Monday, October 27, 2008

Some babes for Halloween

Somewhere along the line, Halloween for chicks became about dressing like the slut you couldn't be in real life. And recently, it's become about, for one night only, being that slut you secretly wish you could be but can't.

God but it's a great night to have a cock!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Off to see the wizard...


So Johnny got mind-fucked more than a few times in the big thing to deal with or kill Hertzog. Oh, yeah. Hertzog was breaking the Masquerade and trying to get us to kill mortals and shit like that. So Simon, Uncle Remus, the Oracle, Warren Peace and Johnny went to Disneyland to stake or kill 'im. Yeah, Disneyland. Turns out his lair was under the damn Matterhorn ride. And it turns out he was a skin-rider because his actual body was that of a baby. WTF?

Anyway, Johnny was able to find a few teachers to teach Johnny Iron Heart. It'll help keep bastards out of Johnny's head. The problem is, Johnny has to go to Cyprus and learn it from Jacen Pompeii. Yeah, that dude. Archon Pompeii. Killer of children and slayer of shovelheads, the man that puts fear into the hearts of virtually every neonate out there.

He wants to talk history, he wants to be brought up to date on current events and trends. And he wants to teach Johnny Iron Heart.

So, uh, yeah. If Johnny don't make it to the New Year, you might know why.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What It Means To Be Brujah

Johnny was asked to write down what it means to be a Brujah. First off, who the hell is stupid enough to ask Johnny to *write* this shit down? And two, who really cares what Johnny has to say about Clan Brujah? It's not like Johnny is one of the shining lights of the clan. There's a bunch more Brujah out there that gotta says better things and say them better. Anyway, here's what Johnny said. (oh, and Johnny can't tell you yet the why and who and all)

So what does it mean to be Brujah? Well now, Johnny didn’t go through no normal accounting like lap-dog Camarilla Brujah, so Johnny’s answer is gonna be kinda different.

Let’s get a couple of things right out and taken care of. This warrior-philosopher bullshit? Exactly that, bullshit. There’s too many wannabe philosopher’s runnin’ around claimin’ to know the secrets of Carthage or whatever. In the end, all they end up doin’ is running their mouths and flappin’ their gums and get jack and shit done. That’s the worst part, they don’t get anything done.

On the other side is those damn leather-jacket wearing stereotypes of rage. Dumbasses that can only think of destroying things, never mind what it is. The kind of stereotype that the Venture and Torea-fags use to make fun of us and keep us down. Their worst thing is that their rage isn’t directed, it’s just a wildfire burning out of control.

So what the hell are we? Johnny figures we are somewhere in the middle. We are engines of destruction to be used brutally against injustice. We are all about The Cause, all about fighting for something we believe in. When we get lazy, when the cause we are fighting for is just our comfort or our own material possessions, that’s when we are just Ventrue with cooler clothes. A real Brujah fights for a Cause. Maybe that’s why so many of us are Anarchs, why Johnny is an Anarch. Because fighting for The Movment means Johnny is fighting for something outside of Johnny, bigger than Johnny, that could last longer and do more than Johnny could ever do alone. But if you are Tower, then goddamnit, believe in it. Believe in what you are fighting for. Don’t puss out and just fight against something, but fight FOR something.

That’s what a real Brujah is. Yeah, there’s that stuff about brotherhood and shit, but for Johnny, it all comes down to the fire in our souls and figuring out how to control that fire and use it for your Cause.