Johnny is starting to wonder what the hell is going on. Seriously, does someone have it out for Johnny, someone that can really hide in the shadows and manipulate shit? Or is Johnny just fucking cursed? Like, did Johnny accidentally jizz in some gypsy's tea or something?
So Skye, this raging flaming queer Toreador throws a little party out in Riverside. Amira, the Settite trying to help Johnny out with the FBI problems, says that Skye has hook-ups with the drug trade and would be great in getting a patsy. Johnny works out a deal with him, it all seems good. Then something happens, that Malk Worthington does something, and Skye flips out. Has a nervous breakdown. Even tries to kill himself by drinking one of his weird wine concotions. He even fucking starts to cry real fucking tears.
Not blood tears. Real ones. Like out of salt and water.
So yeah, Johnny is thinking that the deal is probably thrown out which really fucking sucks.
Apparently there is some sort of Aztec death spirit that's fucking shit up in the OC, taking the souls of the poor mortals that some stupid licks are accidentally draining dry. Just in time for Halloween. Just fucking awesome.
Oh, and Johnny's dead sire gave Johnny a phone call. Yup. Oh, and Johnny's heart started beating while she was talking. Really.
Was a really awesome night in Riverside. Just can't fucking wait to go out there again.