That's a lot of fuckin' money. Johnny got hooked up with some brothers in the Movement back in Chicago or something and they gave $500,000 to Johnny to spend to help build the Free States here. Su-weeeet!!
So the money is going to go in three different directions. First, guns. Gotta build up a stockpile of guns to be used by the Movement. Even guys like Simon gotta learn how to handle heat and that means getting them some guns to use. So Johnny figures somewhere between 50 to 100 G's will buy enough guns for everyone down here to have two.
Next is politicians. We need those weasels in our pockets to help not only against the Cam, but against the fuckin' riceferatu. So Johnny is gonna drop, dunno, maybe 200K on buying some political friendships.
Best of all? Hookers. Lots of hookers. Okay, not really, but sort of. Gotta work the streets and who knows the pulse of the streets better than hookers? Those bitches know everything but no one bothers to listen to them. Except Johnny. Spread the rest of the cash around and they'll all come to Johnny when they hear anything interesting.
Oh yeah.
But it's kinda like in the movies, you know? Never seen that much money in one place before and it was just like in the movies. Freakin' cool.
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