Okay, so Brer Bear wants Johnny to go with him and Perez to a party that the Giovanni are throwing out in their town, Promise, up in the mountains. Okay, it's a party, it'll be cool, right?
First, it turns out it's technically thrown by some Settites, but Johnny didn't see a single Snake there. Next, the Giovannia are just fuckin' weird. Seriously weird. They are seem to be strangely inbred, but not. They all have an obvious fascination with money and the dead. And that seems to be about all they can talk about.
Then some KJ show up. Claiming to live in Long Beach. Claiming they didn't know Long Beach was Anarch turf. Then getting pissed when told to get the fuck out of Long Beach. Then getting really fuckin' pissed when told in Chinese to get the fuck out of Long Beach. Johnny wanted to just fuckin' kill'em right there, but it was an Elysium and Johnny didn't want to create bad blood with the weirdo Giovanni. So Johnny just left them alone.
Then it turns out that some human cultists screwed up and summoned all sorts of weird bug demons that looks right out of that movie, Starship Troopers. Weird shit. So Johnny is just shootin' the shit, drinkin' a beer, when there's this boom and this strange energy wave that spoiled the beer. It was the last one left damnit! So Johnny wandered off to find the explosion with Bear, Perez, Lauren, Pam, and that asshole fucktard Mateo to find what happened.
Turned out it was a demon. Seriously. A demon. No, really, Johnny ain't makin' this shit up. A real actual demon. Mateo, Perez and Bear went and grappled with this 20 foot tall winged demon. Johnny just started blasting away first with Johnny's nines then with Perez's M-16 (which is now Johnny's, yeah!). We killed the damn thing and the Gios say they are going to give us guns and incendiary bullets for taking care of their fuckin' problem.
But never ever go to a Giovanni party. They suck.
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