The arrogance of the Ivory fuckin' Tower is just mind blowing sometimes.
There's this Tristan motherfucker that tried to lecture Johnny about the Status Perfectus and libertas. What the fuck? He's Camarilla, what could he really know about libertas? If he really knew about libertas, he'd be an Anarch and not a Cammie. He fuckin' tried to say that an officer of a Cammie court could actually be an Anarch. A fuckin' Anarch sheriff taking orders from a Cam Prince? What the fuck world is he livin' in? There's just no damn way. You can't be both a freedom fighter and a jackbooted thug. You can't be both, but this Tristan arrogantly believes that he knows best somehow and Johnny is wrong.
Maybe he wishes he was an Anarch, or used to be one, and now has regrets about being a part of the machine that oppresses licks everywhere.
When that part of the debate didn't work, he switched gears and tried talking Traditions. Yeah, with a capital fuckin' 'T.' Johnny fuckin' knew better, damn well knew better and still tried to keep up the debate. Johnny knows the basics about the Traditions and sure as shit doesn't know'em well enough to have a goddamn debate about them.
Johnny walked into the trap knowingly and got stung. But then the asshole tries to say it wasn't some kind of a trap, that Anarchs and Cammunists are that different and can't we all just get along because we in the Tower know what's best for you!
It's that attitude. The whole, "Poor misguided Anarchs, if only you had more education during your Accounting, you would see the light and join the Camarilla." If only you poor Anarchs were smarter, you'd see the error of your ways.
Well fuck you Camarilla. We never talk about it, but don't ever fuckin' forget that our long-term goal is the Tower's destruction. And we won't rest until it's done.
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