Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Time out in the desert

So Johnny needed to blow off some steam. So much so that Johnny couldn't do it the usual way, you know, hookers and hooch.

So Johnny grabbed the new wakizashi and the pair of sai and the copy of the Hagakure and drove out to Quartzite. That small little town on the other side of the Arizona border where you stop for gas 'cause it's cheaper than on the California side. Enough folks to keep a one or two licks alive, not that Johnny ever found one out there. And right in the middle of the desert so all it takes is a jump in the car to get out to where you can't see any sign of human life. Totally desolate.

So that's where Johnny was for about a week. Practicing with the weapons, reading from the Way of the Samurai.

Refreshed Johnny's brain in a big way. After the bullshit about "leaking" shit from the Brujah Rant list, Johnny had to figure out how to reconcile the two sides in a better way. The Hagakure had the answer. Or at least an answer that Johnny can use.

Johnny was a bit hungry stayin' out there, but that's okay. It was almost like being a monk for a little while. Getting away from the boob implants, the teased and dyed hair, the neon, the other licks, the politics of it all. It was good. Almost felt human again.

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