What a weird month. Okay, so it starts off pretty cool with the LA Erotica Expo. Did a lot of business there, even if it did mean that Johnny missed the monthly Anarch rant. Whoops. Didn't mean to, but hey, when you're neck deep in tits and pussy, can you really be blamed? Really?
Brer Rabbit is still proving himself to be the biggest jackass this side of the fuckin' Rockies. Damn he's an asshat. He's an Anarch only because no one else wants him and we're kinda like the animal shelters, you know, we gotta take all the strays no matter how lame or ugly. And that's fuckin' Rabbit. Seriously, he's giving all fags a bad name.
Piers died. Or rather, was fuckin' murdered. Apparently Mister High and Mighty and Falutless, the Justicar Pascek, got together with Garrett Dannington and Jacen Pompeii and probably a few others, and they killed Piers. Now, they're saying that Piers had lost his heart and soul to the Settites. That those fuckers have some sort of evil wicked magic and shit. Now, Johnny can believe that based upon the other shit Johnny has heard. But they're sayin' there was no fuckin' hope, no way to save Piers. So they killed 'im. Bullshit. Complete and utter crap. There is always a way out. It ain't always obvious, it ain't always easy, death might actually be easier sometimes, but there is always a way out. Garret and Mister Faultless himself decided otherwise those. Bastards.
On the bright side, Piscin decided to hop in the Mystery Mobile and come visit us. She's this batshit crazy Malkavian Anarch. Looks like she got bit back during, like, the Summer of Love or something. Crazier than most Malks that Johnny has ever met. Really, really wants to help out the Movement though. And that's good enough for Johnny. A little, or even a lot, crazy ain't a bad thing in the Movement.
Fuck, the Tower thinks every Anarch is a least a little bit crazy anyway. Why not go for the gusto, eh?
Oh, and the beach pictures are in honor of it turning to summer. It's one of the things that Johnny misses the most; being able to go hang out on the beach, feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, watch the bikini babes parading up and down the beach...miss that shit man. Miss that.

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