Holy shit.
What the fuck happened?
So Johnny wakes up in some strange world. Like a weird movie set or something. The bedroom of this house, but not the whole house, was a safe house that Johnny stayed with Candy about a week before she got sucked down. Turned out one of the dudes from Riverside, that biker ganger dude, and Creeper were in the house too. But we weren't really us. Creeper, as fugly a Nos as there is, looked damn human and normal. And Johnny looked kinda fucked up, like Johnny was on the verge of losing to the Beast or something.
Turned out a lot of the locals were around. Barclay, who's looked kinda rough and nearly no longer human, looked like he was still alive and shit. It was fucking weird. Some kind of alternate dimension kind of thing. And we seemed to be trapped by some kind of ancient death spirit or some fucking thing. Never even got to go face to face with the little bastard. Oh, and using powerz wasn't so smart. Since we weren't really there, our powerz that used blood were extra hard to use.
Candy was there. She was barely hanging on, but she was there. Johnny had to bring her...essense? into Johnny. She was, like, inside Johnny. Johnny thought she was safe, that when we all figured out how to get ourselves back, she'd be able to come with us, with Johnny, but it wasn't to be.
We managed to save nearly all the souls that were trapped with us...they were like fruits or something. Or that's how they looked anyway. And when we managed to make our way through the tree, back into, well, reality, they all went their own way. They all went on to wherever they were supposed to go. Not Candy. She somehow had escaped the Hound and she went back to him. First time since she was taken that Johnny needed to cry. That's over 25 years and not a single tear. Until that night. Johnny's just glad to have woken up alone.
But one of the souls was Ed...the porn producer that got murdered? Yeah. Turns out he saw who killed him. Johnny's little KJ enemy for years now. He's the one that set Johnny up with all the FBI shit.
Gonna turn everything towards catching that bastard, hurting him a bit, then making him swear he's never coming back to America. Then putting him on a fucking plane and making him leave, forever.
And when that's done? Time to finally go after the Hound. Whatever happens, happens.
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