So Johnny aint' said nothing about this yet. But it's seriously fucked up shit.
Okay. So at the rant a few weeks back, at the beginning of December, some Camarilla types show up. This Assamite dude named Rudy and some "antitribu" Lasombra named Elliot. Still not sure what "antitribu" means, but it most mean something like "not like the rest of the clan" or something. In this case, it meant a Lasombra loyal to the Camarilla. Well, he decides to go Sabbat hunting. With the Assamite. A few of our friends decide to meet up with them, including Lauren, Brer Bear, and Joe Barclay. Oh, and a Nosferatu named "They." Weird fucker, that one.
Problem? The Lasombra, Elliot, never shows up back at home.
No one seems to know what's up with Rudy, who supposedly last saw the dude alive. Something about being attacked, maybe by Gangrel.
Bear and Lauren were kicked out of Gangrel turf. Barclay says he never met up with Elliot or Rudy.
Rooster, the number two Gangrel in Irvine, won't fuckin' talk. Keller, the number one, hasn't said a word about it. Barclay is gettin' all defensive.
Worst of all? Elliot's clan is howling for someone's blood.
So how did Johnny get involved in this mess? Johnny asked fellow Brujah if there was such a thing as Camarilla Lasombra. Turns out to be true. But one, who is a friend of a powerful Cam Lasombra, decides to dig deeper. Finds out that Elliot is missing. Tells Johnny, tells his friend Urial Ligatio. Who is apparently a big fucking Lasombra the entire rest of that clan knows and respects. So now Johnny has to figure out who killed Elliot just to keep the Camarilla and the Lasombra out of Orange County. Feels like being a goddamn puppet is what it feels like. But it's about keeping the Cam out of the Free States, so if it means feeding information to this Ligatio dude, Johnny'll do it.
Right now? It looks like Gangrel were involved. Maybe Sabbat Gangrel, maybe Keller and Rooster's own guys. But there's a central question; how did they know about Elliot and how did they know how to find him? Were they after him? Or did someone tip them off and if so, who the fuck was it?
It's makin' Johnny's head hurt.
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