Sunday, October 7, 2007

Journal #10, October 7, 2007

Well, that was a waste. A creepy waste.

So Rabbit calls a rant. People come to the usual gathering, but licks are also coming for the rant. But what does Rabbit do? He bails on us all, his Anarch brothers and his Brujah brothers, just to go to a goddamn hockey game! So some mortal sport is more important than his brothers? WTF?

Bear thinks it was about Rabbit getting his van getting blown up by Tom Jennings. Rabbit went to Mr. Black, Tom’s baron, but Black told him to fuck off, it’s just a van. So it looks like Rabbit went over Black’s head (which is his right, Johnny figures) to go to us all. And then doesn’t bother to show.

So Owl took over and we decided that Jennings shouldn’t have blown up the van, but that Rabbit was being a bitch. So we decided that both of them are deserving of a boot party.

‘Course, we found out later that Rabbit has been telling the Cam that he’s our Anarch representative to them and the Song’s rep too. Nobody knew that. So that’s earned him another boot party. Dumbfuck.

It got creepy too; Owl and Crimson started seeing ghosts, saying that some girl got murdered in the area not long before. So Bear, Sharky, Lauren and I follow those two to the other end of the park, into the children’s playground. And what do you know, but there’s a dead girl underneath the swings. Cut in half, sliced up, her face cut up like the Joker’s. Okay, really more like the Black Dahlia, but Johnny didn’t see that movie. That’s creepy enough.

But Johnny also hears that weird shit is going down in Irvine. Some presence, some thing is sucking our powers and even memories if you are down there too long. So isn’t it wonderful that the Gangrel let us go feed there now? Goddamn furries.

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