Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Journal #11, October 16, 2007

Joe Barclay is a closet sadist.

That's almost all Johnny needs to say. Goddamn that hurt. And not really how Johnny expected it to hurt.

So Barlcay said he’d teach Johnny Fortitude. So out into the woods goes Johnny to meet with’im. There’s a couple of trucks and Barclay. So he says to Johnny, I got an obstacle course in the woods. Okay, maybe not so much obstacle course, but it wasn’t exactly an Olympic sprinting track. So, Johnny’s like, okay, whatever, let’s show Barclay what a little Celerity can do. So Johnny burns some blood and fuckin’ blazes around the course that Barclay set up.

That’s when two dudes got out of one of the trucks packing tire knockers. Joe said Johnny had better just take it like a man, or he might have to get involved and that would really fucking hurt. Goddamn it took everything in Johnny not to just summon more power of the blood and just rip their fucking heads off. Then Barclay says to run the track again. Well, after offering Johnny a chick in the back of the other truck, but Johnny wanted to impress Barlcay, so Johnny said no. The first time around anyway.

Well, okay. So partway through the second lap, Johnny figures he’s gonna get sneaky, yeah? Us a bit more blood to heal up some of the beatin’ and then power up the Celerity again. That’ll impress Barclay, right?

Um. No. And it fucking hurt. Turns out there were some fucking pit bulls in one of the trucks. And Barclay let’em loose on Johnny for trying to use the blood to heal. Killed ‘em both, but not before one of them took a big bite out of Johnny’s leg.

Every fucking lap ended with the two fuckwits beating the crap out of Johnny. And it wasn’t like there were an endless harem of girls to drink from. So it wasn’t like Johnny could just continue to burn celerity or heal up. At one point, Johnny tried to chomp on one of the goons, but Barclay smacked Johnny right in the jaw and well, that was the end of that. Off to races again. Run a lap, get the crap beaten out of you. Run a lap, get the crap beaten out of you. What the fuck is this sadistic shit?

So it's starting to lighten up, you know, dawn is coming, so obviously it's time to bug out. Goddamn it. That means gotta come back tomorrow night and do it all again. Barclay tells me to make sure Johnny is ready to go. Fuck.

So the next night it's more of the same. Run that goddamn lap, get the crap beaten out of Johnny. Run the lap, get the crap beaten out of Johnny. Run the lap, get the crap beaten out of Johnny. It just wasn't getting any better.

But then somewhere around 4 in the morning, it finally happened. Johnny had been in so much pain for so long, it just finally stopped hurting. No, that’s not right. It finally stopped bothering Johnny. The pain was there, it just didn’t get into Johnny’s head anymore. It was there, like a warning that something was wrong with the body, you know? But there weren’t fucking loud fire alarms and klaxons and flashing lights and shit going off in Johnny’s head anymore. The pain was just there and that was all.

When the lap was finished, Barclay almost seemed disappointed. He told the two goombas to get in their truck and just nodded at Johnny, then got in his own. Johnny just stood there a minute watching them drive off. Then got into the BMW and went home…

The worst part about it though? To learn more means more of this sick sadistic shit.

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