Johnny just doesn't get it. Why would any self-respecting Anarch claim the Treaty of Thorns?
Okay, so maybe if they are, like, the sole Anarch in the entire domain, but if that's the case, are even really an Anarch? Or are they just an agitator? But otherwise, why would an Anarch ever claim to be essentially Camarilla in leather clothing?
It doesn't make much sense. Johnny figures they want to have their cake and eat it too, you know? They can run with the cool kids, but if trouble comes, they can always go running to Mommy and claim they were under our bad influence. That almost makes them traitors, you know? It's not like they are really devoted to the Movement, 'cause if they were, they'd be claiming Status Perfectus.
What really gets Johnny are the assclowns that claim neither. Total fuckwits those are. Totally selfish too. They want all the "rights" that Status Perfectus declares, but don't want any of the responsibility. No, only taking care of number one and fuck the rest. Individuality is cool and all, but your gotta see beyond yourself and do something for the Movement and not just for you.
Someon has gotta step up and lead the Anarchs like Big J once did. God help us all if it's Johnny...
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