Goddamn it all. So that fuckin' Archon is making noise and shit. Claims to be friendly to Anarchs. Yeah fuckin' right. He might be friendly to Brujah who happen to also be Anarchs, but Johnny doubts he'd be friendly to a Malkavian Anarch or something.
What's worse is that otherwise good Anarchs like Brer Bear are apologists for the fucker! The Archon is a jack-booted thug, the nightstick wielded by the Cam Elders upside our Anarch skulls. How can you be friends with the weapon meant to crush you?
But the worst part? Johnny doesn't have the power to stop the fucker. Johnny ain't got the personal power, the gang power, or the baronial power to stop him. Unless Johnny got really damn lucky, he'd get torped real quick in one-on-one combat. The gang is more about unity and building that bashing heads; seriously, three Malks and a Ventrue, plus three Brujah. Not exactly a combat crew. Maybe if all of Santa Ana got unified to fight him, it'd happen. But it would be tough and more than a couple of us would get torped.
Johnny needs Power. Personal power. The gang needs to be taught how to fight better. Johnny needs to learn more Disciplines. Needs to learn those rumored mystic "combo" Disciplines. Shit, Johnny needs to seriously consider the power of Diablerie.
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