Shit Johnny would like to learn.
More Potence and Celerity. Duh. The better Johnny can throw down Drunken Monkey Boxing, the better for Johnny. And for the gang. And the Nation.
Johnny has heard some rumors about older Brujah being able to do shit like combine Celerity and Potence and do like Neo in “The Matrix” and really beat the crap out of people. Not sure anyone ‘round here knows anything like that though. Maybe Black or Remus. Maybe Bear too.
How to use the blood to entrance chicks. Not that Johnny needs the help or anything, you know, but watching Angel do that to both Maryse and Wykowski, that was fuckin’ awesome. Pretty funny too, watching Wykoski turn all gay and Maryse, germaphobe that she is, suddenly get wet in the panties was hilarious. Bet she had to burn those panties before she crashed out for the day.
Some Auspex. Seeing better in the dark or even seeing those auras would be fuckin’ cool. If Johnny could see a chick’s aura, wow, being able to tell if she’s a bitch or not? Or if she’s on the rag? Seeing how aroused a chick is from across the room ‘cause of her aura? Fuckin’ awesome.
Obfuscate would be cool too. Being able to hide out would be awful fuckin’ handy in certain situations. Johnny knows he ain’t the biggest fish in the sea and sometimes it’s a lot better to simply hide from bigger sharks than challenge them. So some of that hoodoo voodoo would be righteous.
Fortitude. Now that’s something Johnny really gotta learn. Being a vampire is cool and all. ‘Cause really, who else can get filled with lead and not only live, but walk away from it? But seriously, being able to take more punches would be so fuckin’ awesome it’s not even funny. Johnny really, really gotta find someone that can teach him some of that Fortitude shit.
Now, Simon is teaching Johnny some Dominate and it’s pretty fuckin’ cool to tell a chick to “Strip” and she does it, even if it’s in a dirty alley. And then “Suck.” Fuck yeah, that’s hot. And yeah, it’ll be really helpful in handling other mortal shit too.
Other than that? Shit, just get better at what Johnny is already good at. Extend the network of hookers, pimps and strippers. Learn more about the Anarch Nation. That kind of shit. Yeah.
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