Dude. Watching someone get their head sliced off is a lot fuckin’ cooler in the movies than in person.
So that shovelhead that Sharky pounded the fuck out of was really just a shovelhead, a foot soldier that didn’t even really know what the fuck it was. So it had to die, right? Yeah, he did. Had to.
So with the Gangrel getting so pissy about it, Johnny figures he’s gotta make sure he really is dead, so that no one will question things. Especially since it was the Giovanni that were helping question the shovelhead.
Now, Johnny heard that the Giovanni are into death and shit. Like, they talk to the dead, they collect spirits, shit like that. So Johnny figures that, hey, they are creepy motherfuckers, but Johnny would rather they are on the anarch side that against us. So Johnny says if they want the shovelhead’s soul, cool, take it. Well, they don’t really want it, but the one, Bart, likes to watch people die. His eyes got all freaky when it did happen.
So they start discussing how to kill the shovelhead. It just got real creepy. So Johnny asks if they can maybe do it clean-like. So Bart props up the shovelhead and Vincenzo draws out a cane sword and slices the shovelhead’s head clean off.
And it sure as shit wasn’t as cool as when you see it in the movies. You actually see shit in person that you don’t see on the TV. The blood even looks different, even in a shovelhead without any real blood left in him.
Vincenzo said to think happy thoughts and shit and well, all Johnny could think of was fresh poontang. Sweet, juicy, hot box. Yeah.
Three nights, three chicks. And Johnny is still kinda wierded out by the whole thing.
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