The Architects of Freedom. Sounds kinda pompous. But Johnny kinda likes it.
See, Johnny needed to get a gang together. Everyone cool was in a gang. The Song of the Southland is cool. Angel is cool and he’s got a gang, the Jellybats. And, well, if people were going to think Johnny was cool, well, a gang was in order.
So who to invite into the gang? Well, Sharky was obvious. The Doc and Maryse were kinda too. Not too sure about Elaine, but shit, she showed up and was their fuckin’ shadow and would have been too much of a problem to say no to. Crimson finally showed and well, ‘cause Sharky is in the gang she went along with it too.
And then Simon came back, he says from Chicago. Now that’s one cool cat. Motherfucker knows the mortals better than they do and knows the money and politics. Gonna be a real help to Johnny, Santa Ana, the Architects and the Free States.
We needed people that would compliment each other’s abilities, people that could, what’s the fuckin’ world they use at PF’s, “synergize” together. So like, Johnny is like the face man, Sharky and Crimson are the muscle, Doc does the research, Maryse uses the Malkavian Interweb, Elaine manages the finances. Well, Simon’ll probably do that better, but hell, the Song doesn’t have two money guys! And Simon knows mortal politics. Kinda like, you know, the A-Team. Yeah baby!
But that done, we needed a name. Fuck that was hard. Black Rain, Red Rain, Crimson Tide, the Professionals, WTF? More than just being cool, it had to reflect what we are about, and that is supporting the Anarch Nation. We ain’t about claiming turf, we are about the Nation. Well, at least from an Orange County perspective.
So Doc came up with the Architects of Freedom. Maybe a bit too poofy for Sharky, but Johnny likes it. We are going to help build the Nation back into the strong power it was decades ago. We are going to do what is necessary by working together, for the Nation.
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